The Sanitary Project begins with Rafaela Herrera

When I was in Ometepe earlier in the year we identified the water and sanitary facilities as in need of overhaul and improvement in several of the schools. Because of current challenges, we have been unable to obtain a grant or raise the full cost. However having paid for school uniforms and set aside the cost of the university courses as promised. it seemed best to use funds to make a start on the project. We have therefore now sent $1200 to begin improving the facilities at the Rafaela Herrera primary school. The materials ae being collected and work on digging new latrines has begun. Some repairs to the tank and plumbing were undertaken in February and more of this work can now be addressed. Bill from builders' merchant Digging the latrines, all done manually! Some paid labour is being used plus voluntary work from parents. Materials being collected ready! More photos will be posted when the work is completed, and we will then update the budget for...