Final countdown

December and my trip is only  one month away!  The sports kit has been purchased and is waiting to be presented to the school. Thanks to Jose for all his help in organising this which involved many enquiries and trip across to Rivas on the ferry .

The containers have arrived in Managua but goods will not be distributed until February.  Am hoping the laptops,Peace and Hope are taking can be delivered at the same time.  Discussions with them continue concerning working together more closely.

Its time to consider my suitcase and what I can take without making it too heavy as I already have one at full weight full of equipment.  I have the packing list!

It may only be October, but the final months will soon slip past.

Jose is making investigations about ordering football kit for the school teams which it appears will be around 200$ per team plus expenses to go to Granada to order them.  I got a fright at first as I thought he said 200$ each ( Spanish still lacking in places).  I have done a little design and we hope it will work out. I have used my best primary school teacher colouring and cutting out!

I have now passed my Certificate in Bike training and have booked my scooter with Dinartes rental in Matagalpa.  They have given me a really good deal for a long rental.  I just need a bit more practice!  Next job to buy a helmet and investigate any lightweight protective gear whilst not being OTT!

The boxes stored in my garage have now been moved to a colleague from Peace and Hope in Surrey and a farm in Cranleigh where Peace and Hope are collecting on 18/10, phew!

Now I need to sort out embroidery and painting kits to go in the case with all those lovely donations of thread and fabric and send a further pack of baby clothes direct by signed for post.   Costs between £14-20 but worth it for small parcels up to 2kg and it gets there in 2-3 weeks.  Its only possible to send lightweight things by surface mail and you save very little and it takes up to 3 months. 
My extra suitcase now has a laptop and printer and the art equipment. Then of course the little school polo shirts.
But I will put more boxes in the garage and continue for next container shipment.

Baby clothes received with gratitude and more on their way!

Getting equipped!

December and my trip is only  one month away!  The sports kit has been purchased and is waiting to be presented to the school. Thanks to Jose for all his help in organising this which involved many enquiries and trip across to Rivas on the ferry .

The containers have arrived in Managua but goods will not be distributed until February.  Am hoping the laptops,Peace and Hope are taking can be delivered at the same time.  Discussions with them continue concerning working together more closely.

Its time to consider my suitcase and what I can take without making it too heavy as I already have one at full weight full of equipment.  I have the packing list!


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