Big spend up in Rivas

Today we set off on the early ferry again and met Marlon the taxi driver  who took us around Rivas getting quotes for ICT equipment, finding an art shop and various refreshment stops for a total of $40 for the day. At the end the car was full including boxes on Amada and Jose's laps.
After our first stop we met Amada and had a discussion over refreshments. Then onto a store. 

Here after much deliberation we made our purchases of a computer set up, an audio system, and a data projector,  total cost just over $2000, but we discovered the exchange rate is excellent at present. The shop assistant was extremely helpful and between everyone the packages were prepared for transport, which of course means ferry.  Next we found the libraries, where I was pleased to find large sheets of heavyweight paper, pencils and size 3 brushes, for the secondary painting classes. Plus we got some paper for the school and for Jose's flyers. Only the school equipment is coming from the funds and after a bit of calculation I have decided that I will pay for the transport and food costs, thus leaving a bit more for outstanding purchases. Jose has kindly organised for the laptops to be set up with Windows 10 and in Spanish.
After all that we were ready for lunch and Marlon dropped us off at a buffet restaurant with great food.
We then visited a supermarket looking for preschool toys. There wasn't a lot but we came out with play dough and building blocks. This can go on my list for next year.
Then we headed back to the port where two fees were paid plus our ferry tickets and we had to go on the launch as the ferry wouldn't take packages. We watched as food, fencing, and huge baskets of vegetables were loaded up.

At the other end Jose had organised a taxi in the form of a pick up truck which was much easier. Then we headed back and all are stored in my little bedroom! A satisfying day and most of the funds gone, but everything on the list purchased. We now have to organise an internet contract and the network installation.


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