A couple of days relaxation

On Saturday I moved to La Omaja, the idea having been to chill for a couple of days before my travels. However plans here are not made ahead as I have discovered. If you want an event,  you invite people or put the word out and everyone turns up. So on Friday the school told me they had to do a farewell activity and it was going to be  Monday, actually quite long term planning.  I just love this spontaneity.
So yesterday I transferred to La  Omaja and was greeted by the young men I remember from last time and enjoyed those heavenly views from before.

Weather was a bit unpredictable so I passed the afternoon relaxing and painting. 
In the evening I did my best to prepare for an 18th birthday party at a local restaurant. My top was a bit crumpled so I first put it out in the sun then in the bathroom and then decided that in the dark it would be passable and if not no one here would be rude enough to comment. I asked the hotel if it was safe to walk to the restaurant  so they said yes but offered me a lift to be sure.
 I passed a pleasant evening meeting other  locals and seeing Jen whom I had met last year. She has set up a school  here. The evening involved lunch, fresh fruit, plantain chips and birthday cake  plus a piñata. There was an ancient musician with an equally ancient guitar! It was great fun. But I was glad I had talked to Uriel, a local guide as he escorted me back to the hotel along the extremely dark and gravelly road. Without him I am surei I would have missed the entrance to the hotel.  As it was walking back up to the hotel was both very dark and concerning as the ray of my torch didn't penetrate far.
On Sunday I had arranged to spend the day with Jose and his brother delivered him despite having no brakes on his motorbike!  We spent a pleasant day together with some useful discussion.

The pink chick is a form of identification! 

It was a beautifully warm day with a fairly clear sky.  We ate lunch at Hacienda Merida overlooking the lake. This was to be the last day this time we would spend together.


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