More family outings.

On Wednesday and Thursday I had more outings with Marvin, Sylvia and Jordy. They are looking after me so well, have promised to cook and clean for me and look after me when I am an old lady. We have spent lovely times sitting in the rocking chair on their veranda talking, eating delicious food and going out together.
Yesterday I left at 7am and at 7.30 we set off up the volcano with Marvin carrying his machete,  for snakes and other dangers in the forest.
It was a pretty steady climb and we met workers, cows, horses en route. There were some good views.

We walked up to the mirador,where we spent some time just enjoying the views and Marvin chatted to the person working there.  

Some of the path was dusty and slippery but coming down was worst. I decided not to go further as it was a bit arduous and we had enjoyed the views. When we got back home Sylvia gave me coffee and offered me lunch.
And Jordy got ready for his afternoon school session.
Later I headed back to the hostel for tea on the veranda with Patrick.
Today was another early start for our walk to Santa Teresa.  When i awoke there was no electricity, so I waited a while with my wet wipes ready, only to find there was water after all. I was quite pleased with my cold shower today.
 My colleague Paulette was coming to visit Dreamland Tours with a view to bringing students. The route was very pleasant part being called ' Tierras blancas' owing to the colour of the earth. It was about an hour's walk.

We spent a while relaxing and chatting, discussing and planning.

Then Jose arrived and our visitors too. They were impressed with the facilities and the location and are returning tomorrow for a tour. Much planning was done, plus we were entertained by the monkeys.

I returned with Sylvia, Marvin and Jordy, the return route taking a but longer. We met Jesus en route.

And after a coffee, I returned to Santa Domingo. Tomorrow it back to open the account.


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