Fundraising activities and donations link

Activities to support the education and welfare of children on Ometepe Island NIcaragua

Donations can now be made through the website of the Peace and Hope Trust who are supporting the project with transporting goods and with donations through their charity status. This adds a further 25% onto eligible donations through gift aid.
The Peace and Hope Trust 
Use donate button and Click Carolyn Gibbs at bottom left of page. If you wish to make a monthly donation, click 'donate monthly ' on Peace and Hope site, click highlighted text link, for additional instructions, and enter Gibbs-Ometepe project. 

All payments are cross checked between the Peace and Hope trust and myself monthly to ensure nothing is incorrectly accredited.

Thank you to all who supported us at Billifest.  So far we have raised just over £600, with some more donations expected.

The next time I plan to exhibit will be at The Laughing Dog Gallery with friends 19th-31st August
The Octagon, 31 Mariner's Quay, Brighton BN2 5WA

the Association of Sussex Artists at the Drill Hall Horsham 16-24th August 

Denne Road, Horsham RH12 1JF


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