Preparing for 2019 trip

Welcome to new readers!  For further information How it all started.

I will be leaving for Nicaragua on 20/1 to spend five weeks there, four on Ometepe Island addressing the priorities of the project..  I have obtained an additional suitcase and will be taking both equipment for the school and things for the community and family.

I have been donated a teddy bear by someone from Billingshurst Unitarian Chapel, children's clothing and stationery by Susan, Elizabeth  and Esther, baby clothes by Sue, a huge amount of stationery by Rotary club Farnham, (some has been boxed up for the containers) , but I am taking enough to make up teacher's packs .  Through searching for a case on Facebook, I have been donated a trumpet by Kath & Bill, and Cult pens have provided a donation of extra pens when I ordered sharpeners from them.

The question is going to be, which extra suitcase do I need?

I am also hoping that the box that was sent out in May, will arrive before I do!

I have also received some kind donations with my Christmas cards and more following my new year newsletter.  Thank you to everyone for your generosity..

I have also been donated two musical instruments!

I will be taking funds with me ($2500) to make purchases of school,equipment, to be discussed with the new headteacher of Rafaela Herrera Primary School and the leaders of the Santa Teresa School.  There is also further money in the bank that I can withdraw once we have decided priorities and calculations have been made as to the most appropriate purchases.
So far, since my return last March a total of £4371.40 has been raised, through donation, events and sales.  Some of this has gone to support school activities during the year, the internet connection, printer ink, football tournaments, instruction and costs for local festivities.  Owing to this success we can spread our support across the two schools, and I hope a small amount of support for the secondary school too.  I plan to gather evidence and data to guide the future of the project, including information concerning those teachers who are working  unqualified as they have not yet completed their training due to lack of funds to do so.  If we could support one or two each year then they will not only become fully qualified teachers and thus improve the education of their pupils, but will also be able to earn a salary to contribute towards family income.  I am grateful for the support of a newfound colleague who has offered tom investigate appropriate organisations that might contribute.


  1. Great to meet you again this week Carolyn. It looks like you're all set, and I'm sure you could fill a third suitcase (can I climb in it and come with you?!) Would you like some beginner's piano sheet music? I've got some, although I realise they probably don't have a piano, but sheet music might be useful. I look around my house and think, I'm sure they could use that in your schools!


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