Visiting Rafaela Herrera.

To read about the origins of the project, click here.
Origins of the project

Sunday was spent with José's extended family at the beach at Santa Teresa. There was lots of relaxing, chatting, a BBS and some fishing, and the children from the family received their uniforms. There are many private thank you's but also people tell me their current aspirations and I know they hope for more help. I don't jump in quickly but put the information aside for later.

On Monday I met the new head teacher Hermers Luisi. I was able to explain the background to the project and the principles as I see them, and to talk about how it could be managed with accountability to donors. We agreed that everything provided was for all the staff, and chikdren and where appropriate should be accessed by the community.

I was impressed by his efficient and pro active stance. He had already begun to clean up the office and out of his own money, and with his family's help was dividing the room into three, proving a workspace for the two school leaders and another for the staff, so they could all have access to the computer both for preparation and work with pupils.

He had acquired or discovered a couple of second hand computers needing minor repairs and a sound system that needed a recorder, so suggested we put some funds towards enhancing what the school already had. He has already made enquiries about musical instruments. I gave clear direction about the monthly budget and the budget whilst I am here. So we can both work with clarity and honesty. He talked about how he wanted to make good quality noticeboards and display the prizes publicly that the school had won. I offered practical assistance during my stay.
We parted company having set in place dates to give out uniforms, go shopping, and meet families to talk about their needs. This will be an opportunities to write ' stories' for funding bids and for him to acquaint himself with the families. We had a tour of the school, where I saw the very poor toilet facilities ( the doors had fallen off since last year), the dangerous electricity system and the playground where the earth is washed across when it rains rendering it dangerous and unusable.  There are many things that could be addressed with little money and a bit of local help.  I have a good feeling about this and anticipate some clearer accountability.
I had to turn down his lunch offer, as Sylvia was cooking fish for me.

On return to the hostel, I had my my second walk along the beach.
I purchased the last bottle of water from the pulperia, and they won't get more savoury biscuits til next week. Tonight, not only are there ants, but we have been invaded by a swarm if flies, like little fruit flies. It's no fun when you are on the back of a motor bike. Oh and I had some off-road experience when an accident closed the road, it was really cross country riding!


  1. Mmmm... that fish looks delicious! I'm so pleased the new headteacher is happy to work with you, and everything seems to be running smoothly... except the off-road bike ride! Well done Carolyn! Stay safe.


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