Farewell Santa Teresa

On Tuesday, Allan took me to Santa Teresa for a farewell and to ensure all was ok with the computer setup. Everyone arrived in Nica time, the headteacher an hour late and the technician an hour and a half. So we just sit on the verandah and while away the time, whilst the children pop out for a hug and a chat. Interesting little comments are made just like children everywhere.
You colour your hair, you wear glasses like a grandma! None meant unkindly.
The office section has been completed, and the headteacher is pleased, as it could be moved easily if necessary.
I'm not sure what the children were doing but the office was locked at the time and I imagine they lost something! This is in the corner of the pre school classroom. They only attend part time, so it is a good location.

Next the table was prepared and we shared coffee, biscuits and fruit and chatted.  There was a formal thank you, and I thanked all who had helped me, Jose and his family, Allan my moto driver.

They gave me a present, some local pottery, and lots of questions were asked about England. Interestingly when we looked at the map, neither England or Nicaragua are very big, but what a difference in the way of life and standard of living.

The first hiccup was that two cables were missing from the computer! So frantic calls revealed they were still in the shop. So the local taxi driver will again do a pick up and put on the ferry for collection this end. They accept this, to me it's so complex.  However later we discovered that the backup battery wasn't working, so this is to be included in the process. Both Marvin and Allan have stepped in to get everything sorted out.


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