Final farewells

On Saturday I had a lazy morning enjoying the view and the beach before going to lunch with Anna, Antonio and the family.
After lunch we walked to Martin's coffee plot where he had grown his own coffee.  He presented me with a mountain of coffee which he had grown, roasted, ground and packed especially for me. He said it was for me, my brothers and sisters  and to give to the people who have helped with his project.

What a lovely family. Edward is his child but he has taken on two daughters of his wife, who had all been abandoned by their father. He clearly loves them all very much and works very hard for them. He is a quiet and sincere man.
On Sunday,  I had a short visit from Jesus, at the hotel, then headed to Marvin's where we awaited the family to go to the ferry. We were all quite quiet, thinking about how things will not be the same once I head for home. They still talk a lot about when I am going to live here.
I had a minibus outing to say farewell excepting Jose, Idalia and Anna, Jose's mother who were all at the hospital.
After lots of hugs, I had to make the final break. Standing on the ferry waving, my mind was leaping forward to arriving again next year and the plans to make during the year.

Then I watched as the volcanoes disappeared from view.

I had a smooth ride back from San Jorge and was delivered safely by Marlon to the Best Western at the airport. He has been another great team member helping with shopping and transportation. I had to chuckle as we pulled up at this smart hotel, in his battered taxi with false bullet hole stickers on it! Then I entered another world with hot showers and hairdryers! I left many things behind for them and have brought home a pile of coffee and a few gifts from the family, plus many memories.


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