Last day of Project work

Thursday was a day off and  I spent a lovely day at the Ojo de Agua with Lourdes, Jesus and the children, Rachel and Marcel.

Unfortunately, when we came to the homeward journey, Jesus had a puncture. So we walked to the main road, with  no complaints from the little ones! Lourdes got a lift, I walked home along the beach and poor Jesus had to,push his bike all the way back to Urbaite.

On Friday, I had a meeting at the school, so after lunch I got all the invoices copied and sorted for the two head teachers. At three I arrived and finally met Macy from Vermont Rotary who has been raising funds and working on the school building.
We had a lovely presentation of thanks from the school.

And this was followed by more food and then a meeting.

The outcome of the meeting was that Macy would continue working with Roger, in the way that he is at present addressing the issues in the toilet block, which have been out of action all the time I have been visiting and to continue the work with the oldest part of the building. There are aspirations to then use this space for an office area, a library and possibly a canteen where the children can eat. I would certainly be pleased if we could start saving money for books for a library. This would be a good priority.
The icing on the cake for me today was the little present and letter I received from the little dancer in white above, which is whst has given me most pleasure, it is the joy of the children.
Today I have lunch with the family and supper with my two colleagues at the hostel, Patrick and Thomas. And final farewells tomorrow.  I now feel the project is more firmly embedded and I have a team of people to help here so do not have to be reliant on Jose's erratic behaviour. The headteacher is very organised and forward looking. He has just completed legal training so understands all the necessities of formalizing arrangements. Marvin has a network of local contacts and can organise anything for me, Lourdes and Allan want to help, Allan has been wonderful with transport and running around and Lourdes with her teacher training has the interests of the children at heart.  Jordy has offered to help with English communications with a school  here, and I will seek funding for around £25 per month for his university costs for 32 months. 
I will miss this lovely island and my friends here, but thanks to modern technology can stay in touch.


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