Running repairs

On Friday, I had a relaxing morning arriving in Urbaite at lunchtime.

I will miss my daily wanders along the beach. It has unwound me very well.
In the afternoon, after lunch with Marvin and Sylvia, I went to the school accompanied by Lou, Jose's sister. They don't like to leave me to walk on my own. Besides I needed to hand over funds to pay the carpenter over the weekend. The table was nearly ready on Saturday for Sunday delivery.
This is for Santa Teresa school for their computers and has been completely hand made by a local craftsman. I am pleased we have given work to local people, shops and drivers, thus contributing to incomes. I have also done this with my personal needs.
We arrived at the school and had to wait some time for Jefferson to arrive, he did an installation of the laptops I had delivered, an overhaul of what they had, plus a donated desktop, therefore giving the school a little ICT suite.
Jefferson came to my hotel Saturday afternoon to collect payment, $94 , which considering he had worked from 2pm til 10.15pm at night, I thought was pretty good!
Whilst I was in the school Hemer called me to see the children who were in recession. They were using the table tennis balls and bats that we had sent out last year, which was great to see. One boy said to me, ' it is better with a table', and he clearly new all about it, but the others were happy to practice batting. Something to add on my wanted list.

I had more, 'thank yous''for shirts from the children, and Hemer told me he had talked to the parents about the equipment and the responsibilities to care for it. It appears there has been a bit of mismanagement in the past.
Saturday and Sunday were more relaxed, with a day to myself, walking to Balgue and eating lunch.

It was a bit hot to walk back so I got a bus, well two buses actually as the first didn't go all the way.

There are more people staying here now, two more couples and an Englishman have arrived for short stays.
On Sunday, unfortunately Jose had been hit by his sad affliction but we managed to engage him in the day's activities. I don't hold out much hope for the rest of the week, but he has worked incredibly hard so far.
We picked up paper from the school where the headteacher showed me how they had organised the computers.

We then collected the family for our final destination at the beach and went off to collect the table from Daniel the carpenter. There was me, Marvin, Jordy, Sylvia, Lou, Marcel. And an out of sorts Jose,with Fanor driving. And the table. What a motley crew!  Allan went on the motorbike. And we were to meet Idalia and the family there.

Next stop was the fereteria, which was unfortunately closed and no effort to find the owners worked, so we bumped off down the track to Santa Teresa to deliver the table. 

We could only apologise to Yasmina, the headteacher and Manuel who was doing the work and say we would try later or tomorrow to buy another sheet of laminate and the cable. Tomorrow  it will cost me another $25 but there's little choice. The laminate has to come in the bus.
The office is partly constructed and everyone seemed very happy, no-one minding giving up Sunday to be at the school!

I will be back Tuesday for the installation and a farewell. Probably on my own. 
Then we all went off to the beach, had a lovely meal, chatted , walked and enjoyed the views.

When I returned to Los Miraflores, the lake had taken on an eerie calmness, which I had never seen before.


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