School updates

To see how project began Click herel

To donate via Peace And Hope

Since I left in February, the headteacher, Hemer, has continued to distribute materials from the boxes delivered by Peace and Hope and to purchase agreed items from the school's priorities.

The school now has a set of costumes for their cultural activities, one for 8-9  yr old and two for 11-12 year olds. This means they can now  participate in the local cultural activities, where formerly they had to try to borrow them. And of course everyone needs them at the same time. Together with the instruments we helped to buy and repair, this will make a major impact on the school's activities.

The footballs we purchased this year  have already been put to use, together with the kit we purchased last year, and we look forward to hearing of the teams' continued success,  both boys and girls!

We also hear that the youngsters are participating in chess matches with local schools, so I  will set out to gather a few sets up to send out, as again, they are borrowing them from the community. Together with the table tennis and other toys and games, youngsters will learn activities to fill the time when they are not at school in a useful manner and have fun things to do in school breaks.

More pens being distributed at the start of the summer term.

Santa Teresa pupils preparing for a football tournament.  We have collected some football kit to send for them.

Children starting schools have a dance display and are given fruit.  These are the youngest pupils.

In May more boxes arrived that had been transported by Peace and Hope.  They arrived in Managua and were taken to Ometepe by Dr Sandra Villagro from SIFT who holds clinics on the island.

The headteacher of the secondary school distributed pens and pencils to all people;  the pupils look very happy to have received them.

The headteacher Jefferlin. 

A number of boxes were also delivered to the Primary school.  I am awaiting news of what they contain.  I never know as items I pack go to the warehouse in Herefordshire and are packed into the containers as and when there is room.  Sometimes the latest ones go first as they are to hand.  So there may be some surprises!

This set of boxes include many educational toys for the youngest children and some more biros.  We may be able to share some of them with another rural school, El Corazol, from whom I have had a request.


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