Fundraising events and publicity

 Mike and Reina Reinstein entertaining at our music event at the Chapel Billingshurst .

We raised £579.55 for the fund.
 It was a great social evening with great food , things for sale, raffle and exhibition.  Much interest was shown in the information about Ometepe. 
 People socialising and shopping

 Huckabone entertaining us.

In May, I attended Peace and Hope's gathering in Herefordshire.  This was a good opportunity to share updates on the project with others who are supporting their work in Bluefields.  I received a good response and a lot of interest, as well as selling a few colouring books and cards.   I was also asked to talk to the Soroptomists in Godalming, so a further group of people has gone away informed both about the challenges of life in Nicaragua and about the project.


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