Improvements at Rafaela Herrera

Hemer the headteacher has sent me updates on the school presentation and environment.  This is a good way to see how our funds have impacted.  It looks a totally different school in these photos, clean, organised and attractive.  I think our contributions have provided incentive, in that the teachers and students have the equipment to clean the school and to present attractive  displays, which show a high level of presentation and good standards.  Two pupils have gained both first and second prize for academic success at the departmental level, so this has clearly impacted in other areas.

 Unfortunately there is a group of children without instruments here but we are hoping to address this, both by contributing a small amount for more repairs and with the awaited Rotary grant we have applied for.

Above are the school as it is now.

This is during my first visit.

The school grounds and gardens have also been developed with an allotment for the children as well. I must ask if they have managed to repair the bathrooms!

Some of these children who are participating in a poetry event have received school uniform in the past two years.


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