Work continues

When I left there were a couple of outstanding jobs to be done and Marvin kept behind them reporting back to me and sending receipts.  The main task was the completion of the floor in the secondary school, being undertaken by Jose's father Pedro Antonio..  This was duly completed and after time to dry was put in use.

There are however further tasks outstanding in this school, the  roof which really needs mending before the raining season and two further classrooms with very damaged floors.

A joining path in Rafaela Herrera was also completed to remove a dangerous drop.  This took few materials and a little labour but made such a difference to the school.

There seemed to be considerable difficulty getting things finished in Sintiope band Las Pilas.  However the head of Las Pilas was very ill, and it sounded like Coronovirus, although at that point the government was denying its existence in the country.  However the plumbing works at Sintiope were finally completed with the aid of the parents.  Also Patrick completed the work for the flushing toilets at both Rafaela Herrera and Las Pilas, so we were one step closer to improving their facilities.

Works at El Corozal were also completed providing them with flushing toilets with doors in a reasonable condition.

The Headteacher Hemer, has now distributed the equipment that had arrived in the boxes.  He has done this on a pro rata basis across the schools, keeping a record of what has been distributed so there can be no dispute!

Marvin and Pedro Antonio have costed up the sanitary project which will provide new latrines and new buildings for the toilets, wash basins, pipe work, to provide Rafaela Herrera and  the three satellite schools with suitable, clean toilets and handwashing facilities.  It needs a sum of £3000, for which an application has been sent to the Chrysalis Trust.  We will know nothing further tile June.

Sylvia, and Jody have continued embroidering.  Sylvia in particular has learn many new skills and been quite creative.  I had left all the equipment with them that I took and they have been looking for more locally.  

 Meanwhile I have sent photos of the items I have made using the embroideries I brought back.

These will be for sale at our events once we can get going again.  I send photos to them and they try to copy some idea on Ometepe.  They are so quick to learn.  We have also had some cards printed using the lovely paintings of Ometepe donated by Julia Stevens. These will be available at £1.50 each.

I have also found a home for the lovely gifts they gave me to bring back, so I have daily reminders of my time on Ometepe.

As things stand there is no certainty about anything, when and if I can return, when we will be free to travel again, how things will affect Nicaragua, where the government has chosen to have no restrictions!  However without fundraising events, we will be very limited about how we can raise funds for some of our priorities.  We have a few monthly donations but are desperately in need of some more donations through the year.  


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