News from Ometepe January til April 2021


The primary school football team are kitted out in the uniforms which were the first item we bought for them four years ago.  They have cared for it well and it is sill in use.  The children have got through to the first stage of the tournament .

Marvin and Ervin collecting the damaged chairs for repair from the secondary school and Tilgue.  They are pedalling in the hot sun using their bicycles and carts behind.  I can't believe how hard they are prepared to work sometimes. 

Three stages of the new latrines at Sintiope.

Cleaning materials purchased and distributed to all eight schools.  The teachers, parents and children clean the school with particular effort after the holidays.  The atmosphere is very dusty with the volcanic dust and many rooms have no windows or they do not seal.

They new latrines at Rafaela Herrera.


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