Step by step

Jose began to update me regularly on the progress of the project and the many things that  needed to be done, the purchase of kayaks, the construction of the site, the installation of a biodigestor. He sent me regular information,. photos and gave me the honour of putting my name on one of the kayaks.
Jose said, 'We will say it is the name of a very special friend that we love very much and in her honour we have written her beautiful name and will remember her always.

From having been my guide in Ometepe, Jose and I have become special friends.  We share information on our respective countries on a regular basis but most importantly we have a shared commitment to helping the children in the community.  It has amazed me that two people from different generation, different cultures and opposite sides of the world can have found so much in common. We share many ideas and make plans together from a distance and Jose is able to begin implementing some of those ideas immediately from the funds I have been raising for Kids and Kayaks. ( This name came from the fact that Jose's dream for the Kayak business started it all and  the outcome is help for the kids (children) in the community.  It is a truly exciting partnership which has given a new meaning to my life!

The whole Kayak project appears to have involved a lot of hard work and much support from Jose's family and the local community, something else that I was  interested in as it seemed that the project is going to benefit a lot of people in the neighbourhood.

So with Jose's encouragement, I decided that a return visit to Ometepe was necessary so as to have a ride in the kayak and appreciate the progress that Jose and his family had made. In June 2017 all was  developing well.

August 2017, pipes are being installed and the biodigestor.

However I wanted to spend more time in Ometepe in the community and it seemed appropriate that I found some voluntary work to do.  Jose investigated many local opportunities whilst I worked on the logistics of flights and accommodation and further travels beyond Nicaragua.  After following some unsuccessful leads Jose suggested I should share my English language with the students and give them an opportunity that he had never had. And this led to sharing more information about the local schools and the families in the local community. Unfortunately we later found that the schools would be on vacation for part of the time but our other plans involve purchasing and distributing school uniforms, making purchase of other items for the primary school and also some holiday activities which can also be a means of  teaching some English. As I am an artist and embroiderer, I am bringing painting materials and embroidery kits which may well teach the children and families skills to make things  that they could sell to benefit their community.

We have identified a needy group of children whom we will provide with school clothing and stationery and are identifying families that need help to provide food for their families. We want all the children in Urbaite and Santa Teresa to go to school with all they need and having eaten sufficiently to take advantage of their schooling.

In October Peace and Hope offered to transport goods to Nicaragua in their container: this has increased the potential of what we can do to support.  I look forward to forming a partnership with them, the whole is always greater than he sum of its parts and so much more can be achieved when working together.  Thank you so much Peace and Hope, you have given me peace and hope.

I now have stationery, sports equipment, laptops and school clothing and an office chair.  That which will not go in the October consignment can await the next shipment and I am sure there will be more!

The connection with the kayak business Dreamland Tours still continues

From January 2018 Dreamland Tours, a tour operator offering kayak tours and a restaurant began to support and work with Kids and Kayaks in offering hospitality, tours and meals to Carolyn Susan Gibbs, who came from England to achieve the plans for Kids and Kayaks.
Also Dreamland Tours will continue to cooperate with the project Kids and Kayaks, with annual voluntary contributions and thus support the education at the primary school in Urbaite and the well being of the children in the town.
Also Dreamland Tours will further support by seeking more support from other organisations and interested people.

The company is now established offering wonderful tours and in a place of beauty and tranquillity in Santa Teresa.


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