The collection so far


Other items

720 biros

600 +pencils and coloured pencils

rulers (42), sharpeners (70), scissors (44)

30 Highlighter pens, 30 erasers

40 exercise books ( Rymans ordered so I was exempt from postage)

Small quantity of paints and brushes and craft materials

14 new polo shirts in various sizes

6 prem baby hats and two blankets

31 used school shirts & 1 skirt, 2 pairs trousers

10 paintboxes

4 sets of crayons and paints and paint brushes

Sewing kits all made up.

More sewing materials from Catherine Patterson

The suitcase is filling up

White school shirts (24 )

3 laptops, 1 portable printer and CD player and speakers, from Billingshurst Community Partnership.
Sports equipment, including footballs, table tennis kits, skipping ropes. 

October 2017, boxes all packed up and ready to go in Peace and Hope's container. Will keep my fingers crossed they go to correct destination but everyone is deserving and there will be more to go. 

School uniforms!

More stationery!


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