Final days painting & uniform celebration.

I went by scooter and arrived before Amada. Someone came along with keys but suggested we entered through the half wired gate! Today we started at 9am with eight students and ended with 24 and a big pile of paintings. Some arrived having done paintings at home for me. The children have taken on a lot of new skills this week both with painting and English. They help prepare the tables and clear up without objection but today they were a bit lively. However, there is building work going on and so their noise just rises above it and the combination rather increases the decibels.

At the end of the session Amada took a group photo and then began the list for embroidery classes next week. There were a lot of willing learners and it looks like I'm starting with 27. More than I really wanted but we'll see how it goes.

After lunch the children arrived for the celebration and put on their uniforms. We had a great cultural show with dancing and poetry by the children and votes of thanks from staff and parents.

Inevitably not everyone has benefitted individually and there were a couple of approaches after the celebration. But I've had to say that Amada and Jose, the local people will make the decisions. Later I met with an English woman who works out here on nutrition, contacted through CILT


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