Crisis in NIcaragua-support urgently needed

The general situation

In September, the road blocks have been removed and some economic activity is returning to a more normal state.  However the period has left a state of lawlessness meaning that governments are still advising against travel.  Professional who have not supported the government are losing their work because of their deemed lack of loyalty. So as yet I can make no plans to return although I am able to send funds to the school. the crisis is deepening with increased food shortages and lack of petrol.
BBC latest news

Nicaragua is already one of the poorest countries in the Western world with huge undernourishment and low incomes.

Economic circumstances of Nicaragua

The situation in the country and particularity in Ometepe Island has become desperate.

Reports suggest that $200,000,000 has been lost to the economy.

Tourism has hit rock bottom so noone has work and many people are going to Costa Rica or USA in search of asylum or work.
This results in family break ups and children sometimes being left with friends and family members. This is a devastating consequences in a culture where the family unit is very strong.

The effect locally

In the words of the locals
Imagine those of us that work in tourism
They are already rationing some products.

With the aid of my partner I have been helping my family but the hotel is giving notice to employees and those that remain will be on 50% pay.

It makes us all sad.

They are shutting hotels and giving notice.

In reality we are all disturbed that all it is provoking is mass poverty in Nicaragua.

There is no petrol and things are scarce, chicken, cheese, meat.

The pulperia ( small grocery stores) have closed and one of the supermarkets. The other has limited goods.

The prices are going up and my salary no longer covers our household expenses.

Supporting the school

I am trying to increase the fund so that the school and community can be helped later in the year when hopefully the situation will have improved and I can visit again.

Teachers, who continue their training whilst working are finding that rising costs preclude this.  We are trying to raise funds to help some of them.  The cost of their college attendance is around 15% of their monthly income and the cost of purchasing the degree title is 3 times their monthly income.  Those with work are often supporting an extended family. 


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