Boxes of equipment are en route

On Friday 12th October I was invited to attend the loading of a container destined for Nicaragua, the first for a year.  It was my first visit to the warehouse, and I was overwhelmed by its capacity and the stock collected there.  I watched as the Peace and Hope team loaded hospital equipment, mattresses, beds, chairs, crutches and squeezed in various boxes I had gathered during the year for The Rafaela Herrera School and the local community.
Finally we waved goodbye as the lorry headed off to a port where it will depart in about a week.  Its transit and then release of the goods through customs is an unknown timescale and this time I have to arrange for someone to collect the boxes as no ground team will be going. Fortunately I have developed a wide web of contacts.

 One of the strongmen!
 Everything is recorded, numbered and checked.
 Boxes for Rafaela Herrera
 mmm My boxes, where are they, a needle in a haystack!
 There is a system and a great team of volunteers working every week.
 All packed and on its way!
Bye! See you in Managua.   hope......

Further stationery has been obtained from the Rotary club, including thousand of biros and pencils, rulers and notebooks.  Some are being packed into my luggage and some have been packed into boxes to share between Santa Teresa and Rafaela Herrera, The Secondary College and La Barra School in Bluefields.  Having seen the size of the warehouse, I have now packed everything up in hi viz mode so it can be easily spotted in the warehouse!


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