New School at Santa Cruz

 In late 2021, we were approached by members of the community in Santa Cruz, though Marvin for support for a new school.  It appeared they had been using a property that was to be required by it's owner.  Our funds were committed and had slowed anyway because of the economic circumstances here.  I had thought about making a Christmas donation myself as the amount was not phenomenal.  The community were all pitching in and they had been given land.  I was talking with the Peace and Hope about it, and they offered to look at the possibility of helping.  They were put in touch and were able to donate around $2000 for a proper roof for the school, the community having constructed the walls and internal parts.  I was pleased about this support as PHT are experienced in building schools in Nicaragua and were able to provide the correct advice.

The old school for Santa Cruz

The site for the new school

Under construction

The roof beams are installed

The roof is completed

Later I had a further request for help with the floor.  This was not a significant cost, so I put out an appeal and together some of the donors were able to help purchase the cement needed.

Mixing cement

Constructing the floor

The completed floor

Parents and pupils in the classroom
This is the biggest project we have undertaken which was only possible with Peace and Hope's support.  We have had to make it clear that we cannot include this school with the other nine, for continuing support, nor add on the other schools that have made requests.  That would spread our funds too thinly to do anything worthwhile.
At this time we also discovered that no further goods can be sent in containers due to restrictions by the Nicaraguan government.


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